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Tanya for Sunday, 13 Nisan, 5784 - April 21, 2024

As Divided for a Leap Year

Tanya for 13 Nissan

12 Nisan, 5784 - April 20, 202414 Nisan, 5784 - April 22, 2024

And while putting on the tzitzit one should bear in mind what is written in the Zohar, namely, that he should draw upon himself His blessed Kingdom, which is the Kingdom over all worlds; [nevertheless, [6] we should intend and endeavor] to focus [G-d's Kingdom] specifically over ourselves, through this mitzvah - [for the commandment of tzitzit is peculiarly effective in enhancing one's acceptance of the yoke of heaven].

This is similar to [the commandment]: "You shall surely set a king over yourself." [7]

[The Rebbe Shlita notes: The verse implies [8] that before one set a king over himself he had no king, and it is he who now sets the king over himself].

In such a case, [i.e., having contemplated this matter], then: even though after all this [meditation] no fear or dread descends upon him in a manifest manner in his heart, nevertheless, since he accepts the Kingdom of Heaven upon himself, and draws upon himself the fear of Him in his conscious thought and rational volition, and this submission [to G-d and his fear of Him] is beyond doubt a sincere one - for it is the nature of all Jewish souls not to rebel against the blessed Holy King - then the Torah he studies or the commandment he performs because of his submission to the heavenly yoke and because of the fear that he has drawn into his mind, are termed "complete service," [of the kind that can result only from a fear of G-d, as the Alter Rebbe soon goes on to say], like all service [performed] by a slave for his master or king, [which is, of course, prompted by fear and awe.

All this can be accomplished by arousing - even if only in his mind - at least a minimal level of fear, and utilizing it in the study of Torah and the performance of the commandments].



  1. (Back to text) "As explained at the beginning of the chapter." (-Comment by the Rebbe Shlita.)

  2. (Back to text) Devarim 17:15.

  3. (Back to text) See Likkutei Torah, Masei 90d.

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